.. _installation: Installation ============= .. _inst_app: ============= Applications ============= .. important:: To be able to access the ADC device, the :ref:`dependencies` have to be installed. To use the DO, the python version 3.6 is required. Before installing the Distributed Oscilloscope and the requirements, create a Python virtual environment to avoid issues with packages versions. .. code-block:: console $ python -m venv do_venv $ source do_venv/bin/activate To install the Distributed Oscilloscope, type: .. code-block:: console $ pip install https://ohwr.org/project/distributed-oscilloscope/wikis/uploads/96748e7016d163f85cfb146e661bdc3d/DistributedOscilloscope-1.0.0.tar.gz Now, three available applications could be started form the terminal: * dist_osc_server * dist_osc_gui * dist_osc_adc_node Each of the applications requires installation of dependencies. To install the dependencies for the Server, issue: .. code-block:: console $ pip install -r https://ohwr.org/project/distributed-oscilloscope/raw/master/software/DistributedOscilloscope/server/requirements.txt To install the dependencies for the GUI, issue: .. code-block:: console $ pip install -r https://ohwr.org/project/distributed-oscilloscope/raw/master/software/DistributedOscilloscope/applications/pyqt_app/requirements.txt To install the dependencies for the ADC node, issue: .. code-block:: console $ pip install -r https://ohwr.org/project/distributed-oscilloscope/raw/master/software/DistributedOscilloscope/nodes/adc_lib_node/requirements.txt To display help for each of the applications, type the name of the applications with '-h' option, e.g.: .. code-block:: console $ dist_osc_server -h .. _dependencies: ============= Dependencies ============= To be able to access the ADC device, the following drivers need to be loaded: * htvic.ko: https://gitlab.cern.ch/cohtdrivers/coht-vic commit: df07c670abcf87c967b634504417e482d5e3696b * zio.ko, zio-buf-vmalloc.ko: https://www.ohwr.org/project/zio/wikis/home commit: d8bef4d89361194c2e5644e751add9bd9ffa106d * fmc-adc-100m14b.ko: https://ohwr.org/project/fmc-adc-100m14b4cha-sw/wikis/home commit: 54a77d73df0ef321bbe74ef4acaf2776f6a142c5 * fmc.ko: https://gitlab.cern.ch/fvaga/fmc commit: ca386f42df6cdfe5fb6462215622ab2796c2ec75 * fpga-mgr.ko: https://gitlab.cern.ch/fvaga/fpga-manager commit: a3711f798ec4a17121c2f6ccfe160fde24a170bb * spec.ko: https://gitlab.cern.ch/fvaga/fmc-spec commit: e893e85ff45dfa3b532295b0b86c5a276b2f221c * mockturtle.ko: https://ohwr.org/project/mock-turtle/wikis/home commit: b07df87ad36d963beb7d7596b3dffa4221d6bd58 To be able to access ADC device and WRTD, the following libraries have to be installed on the machine running the :ref:`adc_application`: * adc-lib: https://ohwr.org/project/adc-lib/wikis/home * WRTD: https://www.ohwr.org/project/wrtd/wikis/home After installing the drivers and the libraries, the SPEC150T-based FMC_ADC reference design has to be loaded. You can find the reference design `here `_. .. todo:: Reset mockturtle CPUs Enable WRTD trigger in the adc-lib